Friday03 January 2025

Here are the foods packed with an incredible amount of fiber.

The specialist warned that fiber has the ability to eliminate not only toxins but also beneficial substances.
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The specialist emphasized the benefits of fiber, referring to it as food for beneficial microbes in the body. She stated, "If they are well-nourished, they more effectively help suppress pathogenic activity."

She identified whole grain cereals and bread, as well as bran (especially corn bran), as the most fiber-rich foods. These products are the "champions" in fiber content.

Fruits and vegetables also contain a lot of fiber. However, Solomatina cautioned that one should not overindulge in fruits and vegetables solely for their beneficial fiber due to their high sugar content, which can be harmful in excess.

“Fiber is found, for example, in whole grain cereals and bread. Bran (especially corn bran) is a champion in fiber content. But it’s not wise to consume them thoughtlessly. When consuming fiber, water is necessary: fiber attracts water. Moreover, fiber does not differentiate between what to remove from the body: it eliminates both toxins and beneficial substances,” the doctor explained.