Friday03 January 2025

Karaganda surgeons reconstructed the child's facial bones following a car accident.

The child has now been discharged home in satisfactory condition.
Хирурги из Караганды восстановили лицевые кости ребенка после аварии.

“In the context of a multidisciplinary regional children's hospital, a team of highly qualified specialists, including an ENT doctor, a neurosurgeon, and a maxillofacial surgeon from the Makazhanov MVB, performed a complex surgery on a child with facial skeleton and nasal complex bone injuries,” reported the Ministry of Health of the RK.

It is noted that the child was admitted on an emergency basis after a traffic accident and was in the intensive care unit under the supervision of resuscitation doctors due to the severity of the condition.

“After stabilizing the condition, it was necessary to make a risky decision to carry out such a complex operation within the walls of a multidisciplinary regional children's hospital using titanium plates,” the medical professionals explained.

Previously, children in such conditions were operated on in capital clinics and republican centers. Currently, the child has been discharged home in satisfactory condition.