Friday03 January 2025

A nutritionist explains the dangers of moldy cheese.

Moldy cheese should be removed from the diet of children, pregnant women, and elderly individuals.
Нутрициолог объяснила, в чем заключается опасность сыров с плесенью.

According to the expert, moldy cheese should be excluded from the diet of children, pregnant women, the elderly, and individuals with weakened immune systems.

“For instance, the mixture of fungi used in the production of Camembert and Brie cheeses does not cause illness in healthy individuals. However, in those with compromised resistance, the fungus can affect the bronchopulmonary system,” the expert emphasized.

Additionally, all types of cheese, regardless of variety, contain a high amount of salt. Therefore, it is dangerous for people with high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases to consume it.

“In general, it is important to know the limit and not to eat more than 50 grams of cheese per day. The milk used should always be pasteurized, as thermal processing serves as protection against various bacteria and infections that can cause poisoning,” concluded Bashkirova.