Friday03 January 2025

What dangers do nicotine-free sticks pose?

An expert explained the challenges that a smoker may encounter.
Какие риски могут представлять безтабачные стики?

In reality, people smoke tea instead of tobacco. However, even in this case, the process does not become safe, as it might seem at first glance.

The challenges that smokers may face were explained by psychiatrist-narcologist, top-category physician Alexey Kazantsev.

“Non-tobacco sticks still contain harmful additives, whether they are resins or flavorings. Therefore, regular smoking poses risks of developing dangerous conditions—such as allergies, bronchospasm, and potentially fatal angioedema. Smoking tea cannot be deemed safe. Any inhalation of vapors from heating, aside from those prescribed by a doctor, is harmful to health,” the expert stated.