Sunday05 January 2025

The Ministry of Labor explained why there is virtually no unemployment benefit in Kazakhstan.

In Kazakhstan, the term "unemployment benefits" is not used; instead, there are social payments. Daulat Argandykov, the President of the Labor Resource Development Center, clarified the differences between the two, according to
В Минтруда объяснили, почему в Казахстане практически отсутствует пособие по безработице.
“We talk about justice — that is, the system should act as a cushion in case of risks arising, and it was created for this purpose. Therefore, these mechanisms are structured this way today, and this is a completely normal practice. Payments are made to those who have worked but currently cannot. But why do we contribute and pay, and those who do not work and have not contributed should receive this money? That is simply unjust. Everywhere in the world, those who work and contribute benefit from this safety net, and within that, it depends on the duration of participation and the amount of contributions made,” said Daulet Argandykov.

Payments from the Social Insurance Fund are intended for participants in the social insurance system. This means for working citizens for whom the employer has made contributions to the social insurance fund. Subsequently, these funds are paid out up to 40% of lost income. However, this is only for a maximum of six months. For citizens whose incomes are below the subsistence minimum, there is an Aflatoun Social Payment (ASP). These are two different directions, the official clarified.