Friday14 March 2025

Question of the day: What additional measures should be taken to combat fraudsters?

Experts shared their opinions with KP.RU.
Вопрос дня: Какие дополнительные шаги следует предпринять для борьбы с мошенничеством?

Question of the day: What additional measures should be taken to combat fraudsters?

Photo: Ekaterina MARTINOVICH. Go to the Photo Bank of KP

Mikhail Ignatov, former officer of the Moscow RUBOP:

- It is essential to continuously explain that one should not fall for fraudulent offers. No one will call you from a clinic inviting you to sign up for an electronic queue. Nobody will offer to extend any contracts. And if you receive a call from "security service employees" suggesting that you "participate in an operational experiment," ask them to invite you to a service room to fill out procedural documents.

Yevgeny Kharlamov, lawyer:

- There is nothing preventing the development of a federal scheme for the automatic blocking of suspicious contacts. The security services have such capabilities. Yes, it may be financially and energetically costly, but all suspicious calls could essentially be automatically "blocked at the border." Yes, this would place a burden on mobile operators, but when compared to the amount of legal troubles and money lost, it is justified.

Victor Pokhmelkin, former State Duma deputy:

- Fraudsters are excellent psychologists; they catch people off guard. The main principle to reinforce is: do not take any action until you have double-checked the "telephone" information, no matter how credible it may seem!

Dmitry Marinichev, internet ombudsman:

- We need to develop people's mental capabilities and change their outlook on the world. Remind them of Stoic practices - their approach to life and self-control. The ability to focus on what truly matters.

Alexander Runov, psychologist:

- We need to address the issue with gadgets - limitations are possible here. All resources should clarify: the main defense is not to discuss anything if you receive calls from unknown numbers. Provide examples: even famous artists get caught - look at Larisa Dolina (she lost her apartment due to fraudsters. - Ed.). Introduce counter-programming.

Andrei Yablonsky, associate professor at RUDN:

- We should enhance educational efforts aimed at children and the elderly. Older people have seen a lot in life and are wary of everything. Children have seen little so far, but they also have many fears. I would introduce a lesson on internet literacy in schools regarding fake calls. A unified standard for this lesson is needed. It could be conducted by a homeroom teacher. This is fundamentally psychology. There is nothing stopping us from holding mandatory master classes both in schools and in "Active Longevity" courses.