Friday07 February 2025

Russians dislike bossy female leaders and tyrannical managers. Which movie characters would we prefer as our bosses?

KP.RU: Russians have named Ekaterina Tikhomirova and Dumbledore as their ideal bosses.
Россияне не одобряют властных начальниц и деспотичных руководителей: каких киногероев мы хотели бы видеть в роли шефов?

Only 5% of Russians consider Lyudmila Prokofyevna Kalugina from the film "Office Romance" to be an ideal boss.

“Oh, how I wish I had a boss like that!” we sometimes say after watching a movie or reading a book. We often have little regard for real-life managers. According to a survey conducted by Komsomolskaya Pravda last autumn, only half of Russians are satisfied with their bosses. 37% of respondents admitted they are completely dissatisfied, while 9% chose the option “I’m afraid to tell the truth” (despite the survey being anonymous).

So, what do we really expect from a leader? What qualities must they possess to meet our expectations?


The results of a survey we conducted, in which we asked readers to choose a cinematic leader they would prefer to see in their boss's chair, provide the best answers to these questions. It turned out that the top choices were far from Don Corleone from "The Godfather" (do you also think that most of our leaders emulate him?). Not even Lyudmila Prokofyevna, who became a beauty and darling by the end of "Office Romance." Instead, it was Professor Dumbledore - the headmaster of the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter saga. He outperformed even Katerina Tikhomirova from the popular film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears." Also making it to the top was Maestro – Captain Titarenko, the commander of the singing squadron from "Only Old Men Are Going to Battle."

The headmaster of the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter saga is the best boss in the world!


Closing the list is Kira Shemakhanskaya from the New Year comedy "Sorcerers." Yes, she enchanted the main character, but at the same time, she is a great leader and became a victim of intrigue herself. Why is it that she is not favored by participants in our survey? Just like another lady - Miranda Priestly (authoritative, "The Devil Wears Prada") - see “Visuals.”

- We particularly dislike authoritative women bosses. Firstly, because patriarchal traditions are very alive in our society. Secondly, men are often forgiven for this trait as it seems more organic for them. But women in leadership roles are expected to be sensitive, wise, and almost motherly, but definitely not harsh, - says career consultant Galina Bobkova.

- Authoritative women often find that their strictness is perceived not as a leadership quality, but as a personal trait, which does not always win sympathy. In short, we don't like bossy women! – agrees psychologist Marina Krapivnaya.


- Why does Dumbledore lead the list? He embodies the ideal boss, combining wisdom, kindness, and strategic vision! - explains the psychologist. - He is not only a strong leader but also cares for his subordinates (students, teachers), shows flexibility and tolerance, and most importantly – inspires. In reality, bosses are often authoritarian or indifferent, which makes such a figure a dream.

- Dumbledore's strength lies in his ability to create a safe, comfortable, and nurturing environment for his subordinates, - clarifies Galina Bobkova. - Katerina from "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" embodies the American dream in a Soviet way. A provincial girl, without connections or wealthy parents, and with a child in her arms, she achieved everything on her own, made a brilliant career in the capital, yet remained modest, sincere, and genuine. Holding a responsible position does not prevent her from being a good mother and an attractive woman, which is rare in one character. I believe the majority of votes for Katerina came from women.

- The key to success is flexibility, - believes Marina Krapivnaya. – Katerina Tikhomirova managed to be both strict and caring. It is important for people that a leader maintains a balance between strictness and humanity. Subordinates won’t listen to an overly lenient leader, and they will fear an overly harsh one, working only under duress.

- What kind of bosses do people prefer? And should they even be liked?

- It’s probably impossible to please everyone all the time. If a system is developing, conflicts are inevitable. However, a good leader should create an atmosphere around them that encourages hard work and striving for greater achievements, - considers Galina Bobkova.


According to experts, we are currently at a turning point where old notions of effective management are fading under the pressure of new realities. While many used to envision their boss as a strict father figure – strong, authoritative, and sometimes even authoritarian but fair, things are changing.

Experts believe we are now living at a turning point where old notions of effective management are fading under the pressure of new realities.

Photo: Shutterstock.

- People are fed up with pressure and tyranny; they want to respect their leaders for their professional and personal qualities and feel safe, - asserts the HR consultant. - Evidence that we are in a transitional phase can be seen in the results of the survey.

- Authoritarianism is no longer in vogue, - agrees Marina Krapivnaya. - Don Corleone, Zheglov, and Priestly are at the bottom of the list – a signal that people are tired of dictatorship at work.


Which movie characters would you like to see as your boss?

Professor Dumbledore (wise, Harry Potter saga) 30%

Katerina Tikhomirova (modest, "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears") 21%

Captain Titarenko (creative, "Only Old Men Are Going to Battle") 17%

Gleb Zheglov (strict, "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed") 10%

Lyudmila Kalugina (workaholic, "Office Romance") 5%

Don Corleone (authoritarian, "The Godfather") 4%

J. Belfort (inspiring, "The Wolf of Wall Street") 4%

Dr. House (rebel, "House M.D.") 4%

Miranda Priestly (authoritative, "The Devil Wears Prada") 3%

Kira Shemakhanskaya (strong-willed, "Sorcerers") 2%

The survey was conducted on the social media platforms of Komsomolskaya Pravda, with 7,200 participants.


Key qualities of an ideal boss

According to career consultant Galina Bobkova, we value the following traits most in modern leaders:

- professionalism, the ability to understand their area of responsibility;

- inner strength, genuine authority, real leadership that is not just about “I’m the boss, you’re the fool,” but a leadership that inspires trust and followership;

- the ability to make decisions and take responsibility for their team and the results, readiness to stand up for their staff before higher management;

- the skill to recognize the potential of each employee and assign tasks according to each person's abilities and skills;

- progressive thinking, open-mindedness;

- fairness, absence of “favorites”;

- wisdom, personal maturity, patience, diplomacy;

- kindness and openness to dialogue with subordinates.