Thursday13 March 2025

An oncologist conquered the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro: "I thought my heart would leap out of my chest!"

Oncologist Irina Sosnina from Moscow has conquered the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.
Онколог взобралась на вершину вулкана Килиманджаро: "Думала, что сердце выскочит из груди!"

Irina Sosnina has been working as an oncologist for nine years. Photo: provided by the MMC "Kommunarka"


- As a child, I often played hospital, and I even had my own shelf with little bottles and toy syringes. In the 11th grade, I decided to apply to medical school. Initially, I chose surgery, but then I saw how many patients had oncological conditions during consultations. That's when I realized that I would enter the residency for the specialty "Oncology," - recalls Irina Sosnina.

Eight years have passed since then. Now, Irina Sosnina works as an oncologist at the MMC "Kommunarka." The patients are very diverse: with tumors of the breast, esophagus, stomach, skin, and more.

- When I first started working, a young woman came to us with a bowel disease, stage four. The disease was progressing, and she had already undergone a huge number of chemotherapy sessions. And you know what? Not only does she not despair, but she also helps those around her, literally charging them with her optimism, - shares the specialist.

She continues: medicine is constantly evolving; new drugs, techniques, and algorithms are emerging. Targeted therapy, for example, where medications attack a specific tumor at the molecular level, sometimes visibly reduces it. It seems that in our time, anything is possible!


Irina Sosnina initially wanted to become a surgeon, but then realized how needed oncologists are. Photo: provided by the MMC "Kommunarka"

The truth is that nowadays, more and more people are paying attention to their health and seeking help in a timely manner. Early diagnosis allows for the detection of diseases at early stages and faster initiation of treatment. However, medical professionals believe that miracles do not happen, so even after a tumor "disappears," patients remain under supervision and undergo regular examinations.

- What is the most challenging part of your job? - I ask the oncologist.

Irina Sosnina is silent for a moment, then replies:

- The hardest part is telling a patient that they can no longer be treated. That their body simply can't take it anymore. And it’s even more difficult and painful to say this in the presence of relatives, especially when the patient is young.


It is clear that not everyone can endure such work. But Irina Sosnina has colleagues who are always ready to lend a shoulder. And she has hobbies. In fact, two.

- In 2019, near my parents' house, I saw people throwing stones at a stray dog. I felt terrible for her and for the other animals without a home. I started looking for ways to help them, - she recalls.

Initially, it was informational support for a shelter, then Irina took on the responsibility of caring for five dogs. Later, together with her colleagues, she began visiting shelters: helping with walking, delivering food and supplies. She doesn’t have the opportunity to have a pet herself – her profession takes up too much time. However, her parents have three dogs (one of which is a former stray) and cats. Some are quite elderly: the poodle Flash is 14.5 years old, and the cat Muka is 20. All the animals in this family are surrounded by care and genuine warmth.


At Irina Sosnina's parents' home lives a former mutt named Marusya

Photo: Personal archive of the publication's hero.


In 2021, Irina Sosnina ventured into the mountains for the first time. It was Altai, the Aktru glacier.

- That was probably the first time I saw mountains up close and realized that an ordinary person can also climb them, - our heroine shares her impressions. - I started researching the topic and learned about weekend hikes. In 2022, I went to the Caucasus, reaching a maximum height of 3700. Then I hiked the Lycian Way in Turkey, Nepal (height — 5416 meters), and Mount Agung in Indonesia...


Irina Sosnina first entered the mountains in 2021 and was amazed by their beauty

Photo: Personal archive of the publication's hero.

This winter, Irina Sosnina set out to conquer a new peak – Mount Kilimanjaro. It is the highest point in Africa - 5,895 meters above sea level.

- I prepared for this ascent both informationally (reading a lot about the route) and physically (doing special training), but I still worry. In the Caucasus, I encountered altitude sickness for the first time – I thought my heart would leap out of my chest, so I couldn't continue up, - she admits. - But since then, I have conquered many summits. Now I am much better prepared.


Irina Sosnina conquered Kilimanjaro on her birthday

Photo: Personal archive of the publication's hero.


Those who reach the summit of the volcano are awarded a certificate

Photo: Personal archive of the publication's hero.

Yet, as the doctor told KP.RU, it wasn’t easy for her: steep descents and ascents, 5 out of 7 days it rained, snowed, or hailed. At high altitudes, her pulse quickened, and she experienced shortness of breath and nausea. However, she reached her goal. Moreover, she conquered the peak on her birthday — January 31, when she turned 38 years old.


Irina Sosnina trekked towards her goal through rain, snow, and hail

Photo: Personal archive of the publication's hero.