Sunday16 February 2025

On February 1, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" reported on Hitler's prophecy about war in Europe, the opening of a department store in a Stalingrad collective farm, and the death of Yevgeny Leonov.

"Komsolmolskaya Pravda" continues its anniversary countdown, as our newspaper will celebrate its 100th anniversary in May 2025.
1 февраля в «Комсомолке»: Пророчество Гитлера о войне в Европе, открытие универмага в колхозе имени Сталина и смерть Евгения Леонова.

“A person beloved by all has passed away” - this is the headline of the obituary dedicated to the People's Artist of the USSR, Evgeny Leonov.


On this day, a major article titled “Hitler's Speech” appeared in “Komsomolskaya Pravda.” In it, Hitler unleashed his fury on the vile war arsonists, the enemies of humanity - the English and the French. He also expressed his sympathies for Russia:

“For many centuries, Germany and Russia lived in friendship and peace. Why can’t this happen in the future? I believe it is possible because both nations desire it. Any attempt by British or French plutocracy to provoke us into confrontation is doomed to fail.”

Furthermore, Hitler claimed that signing a non-aggression pact with the Russians was a significant political success. This way, Germany secured a safe rear in the east for the war with England and France in the west. Hitler was astonished by the audacity of the English and French.

“Germany is in a situation where astonishing military goals are being realized against it, primarily set by England. According to these goals, a new Europe must emerge. This Europe should be infused with a sense of justice, and this universal justice should render armaments unnecessary. ...A time of economic prosperity must come… All this was promised to us back in 1918. At that time, the military goal of the English was also the creation of a new Europe, proclaiming justice that would include the right of nations to self-determination.”

Hitler rages against the deceitful, cynical English who disregarded this right to self-determination after disarming them. Meanwhile, the English have subdued a territory of about 40 million square kilometers over three centuries.

“England has always waged wars to expand its trade, to seize diamond and gold deposits… Along with this, England seized German colonies. ...The capture of the German fleet and German assets — all these are mere side effects of the ‘noble struggle’ for the holy religion. Churchill states: ‘Our goal is to dismember and destroy Germany.’ ...46 million Englishmen control a territory of 40 million square kilometers, while France possesses over 9 million square kilometers, whereas Germany, with a population of 80 million, has less than 600 thousand square kilometers.”

And Hitler concludes his speech with this prophecy:

“Our enemies shout: ‘Germany must perish.’ To this, Germany can only respond: ‘Germany will live; Germany will triumph!’”


The prosperity of Soviet collective farmers is growing! This is confirmed in today’s issue by a note from Tashkent signed by our correspondent, titled “In the Village Department Store.” From it, we learn that:

“In the village of the Stalingrad Collective Farm in the Yangikurgan region, a large universal store of Aikran Selsoviet has opened. The store shelves are filled with various industrial goods. Collective farmers are purchasing furniture, textiles, ready-made clothing, dishes, radios, gramophones, bicycles, and motorcycles.

The high purchasing power of cotton pickers is no accident. The Stalingrad Collective Farm received more than 7 million rubles for the cotton delivered to the state in 1949. Many collective farmers earned 12,000 to 15,000 rubles in cash for their labor days. Young brigade leaders Tashmat Baykhanov and Shadman Hakimbaev earned over 20,000 rubles each in a year, in addition to several tons of vegetables and fruits. Cotton pickers bought wool suits and radios ‘Rodina’ at the department store. The best cotton picker, Komsomol member Arzykhon Arifbaeva, who earned 420 labor days last year, purchased a sewing machine, a mirror, and fabric for dresses. Her friends Gulkaroy Ruzmatova and Khamida Rajabbaeva bought coats with karakul collars, lacquered boots, and gramophones.”

The question arises: how could Komsomol member Arzykhon Arifbaeva earn 420 labor days in a year — which has only 365 days?

From various sources, we learn: a labor day did not equate to a daily shift. Depending on the complexity of the work, a collective farmer could earn one and a half or even two labor days per shift.


“A person beloved by all has passed away” - this is the headline of today's obituary dedicated to the People's Artist of the USSR, Evgeny Leonov. Written by Serafima Berestova.

“He played his role until the end. He died while preparing for a performance, for ‘The Memorial Prayer.’

He had already died once. He was between life and death for many days. At that time, life prevailed, and for several more years, Evgeny Pavlovich stayed with us. Now nothing can change. And because of this – it hurts immensely.

Evgeny Pavlovich… People's Artist. He used to joke about this title: ‘People's Artist of the USSR. What a luck I have…’ Evgeny Pavlovich, Evgeny Pavlovich…

His last years were difficult. Because life established new laws. Harsh and cruel. Yet he was a very kind person. He loved to help others. It used to be easier to do this. Later – it became impossible.

He knew for sure that in this world not everything is measured in money. And he felt that we were losing something ungraspably important. Something that is called the soul.

He honestly tried to make sense of all our nightmare. And to preserve his face. A little naive, kind, and wise. He read the newspapers, watched television, genuinely surprised by the stupidity and meanness. He laughed at himself. He lay in hospitals. He worked.

The most frightening thing is that Leonov closes the circle. The ailing country fell silent when Mironov and Papanova left. Then – unnoticed – Plyatt. Time will pass, and we will learn to look at ‘Belarus Station’ with different eyes. And ‘Striped Trip’ and ‘Gentlemen of Fortune.’ We will say: ‘There was a great artist, Evgeny Leonov.’ There was…

When Evgeny Pavlovich was gone, the audience who came to the performance stood for several hours in front of the theater with lit candles. Does this mean we haven’t forgotten how to feel pain?”


February 1, 2017 - a historical day for Russia, a day of unimaginable generosity from the state to its subjects! However, everything has already been clearly stated in the headline of today's article:

“Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Trutnev: Any Russian citizen can now obtain land in the Far East.”

And the subheading clarifies:

“Starting February 1, all residents of the country can take one hectare of land into personal ownership absolutely free of charge.”

Note: not just free, but absolutely free! This is important for Russians, who have been deceived many times by various “freebies” in the form of vouchers, financial pyramids, etc.

The father of the land distribution idea, Yuri Trutnev, is the Deputy Prime Minister and Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District. Our observer, Evgeny Belyakov, spoke with him.

“- Yuri Petrovich, how many residents of the Far East have already applied for a hectare?

- More than 36 thousand people. But this number changes every day. ...Mainly, people choose land plots where they know, where they live, where they understand what they will do. (…)

- If a person ... cuts out any plot for themselves, then there may not be a road to that plot...

- ...When a person chooses a plot, they think in advance about what they will do. If they plan to build a house, they will choose a plot next to the road. If there is a populated area and free land nearby, you can easily fit in there, if no one has claimed it before you. The principle is purely one of queuing. No one can reserve or move anything. If we catch someone, we will, to put it mildly, punish them severely. But if we receive a collective application from 20 or more people who want to build houses compactly, then the region has an obligation to assist with infrastructure.”

“- For me as a consumer,