“For instance, at the end of December 2021, a farming enterprise submitted an application to purchase 442 breeding sheep and received subsidies totaling 6,630,000 tenge. During the analysis, it was established that within one year, the specified livestock had been removed from the database for the identification of agricultural animals. According to the rules for subsidizing the development of breeding livestock, enhancing productivity, and improving the quality of livestock products, approved by the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the preservation of the declared breeding stock (excluding the zootechnical norm for attrition) is ensured for a year,” the regional prosecutor's office provided as an example.
As a result, the state incurred a financial loss of 6,630,000 tenge.
In response to the violations of legislation, a relevant supervisory act has been submitted to the authorized body. Currently, following the prosecutor's representation, the state has recovered 14.7 million tenge, while the remaining amount is being collected through enforcement proceedings.