Sunday16 February 2025

Heritage lost during the Soviet era: Kazakh dog breeds will soon have their own celebration.

The Ministry of Ecology has proposed the establishment of a new holiday—Kazakh Dog Breeds Day—which will be celebrated on September 3, according to
У казахских пород собак появится свой праздник, восстанавливая наследие, утраченное в эпоху СССР.

However, during the Soviet era, the population of Tazy and Tobets sharply declined due to economic, political, and ideological changes, as highlighted by the Ministry of Ecology. Today, authorities are striving to preserve these unique breeds and rekindle interest in them.

“The President pays special attention to these breeds. On January 3, 2023, a law was enacted that established the legal, organizational, and economic foundations for activities aimed at the preservation and reproduction of Kazakh dog breeds. The government is currently taking measures to protect and support their gene pool from degeneration and hybridization,”
states the draft resolution published on the “Open NPA” website.

Why specifically September 3?

It was on this day that the International Canine Federation (FCI) provisionally recognized Tazy as an official breed and assigned Kazakhstan the rights to maintain its standard. This was a crucial step towards achieving full international recognition for the Kazakh Tazy.

“Establishing a Day for Kazakh Dog Breeds will help draw public attention to the preservation of purebred Tazy and Tobets. It could also stimulate the development of cynology, create new jobs, increase tax revenues, and contribute to economic growth,”
is noted in the explanatory memorandum.

The celebration is planned to include lectures, exhibitions, competitions, and seminars dedicated to the history, care, and breeding of these breeds. This will help enhance interest not only within the country but also among foreign tourists who are fascinated by the ethnography and culture of Kazakhstan.

“Moreover, the celebration will be an important event for breeders, cynological organizations, and enthusiasts of national breeds, providing them with more opportunities for experience exchange, participation in exhibitions, and international competitions,”
the agency is confident.

Now, we must wait for the final decision. The Forestry and Wildlife Committee has published the draft resolution on the “Open NPA” website, and public discussions of the document will last until February 17, 2025.