Shaira Beldikbaeva, along with her husband and two children, rented the "Bereke" store in the Almagul microdistrict in August 2023. The premises belong to a woman named Gulnara. The rental cost was 150,000 tenge per month, with an additional 50,000 tenge allocated for utilities.
“In September, our lease expired. We chose not to renew it because the owner informed us that she had put the store up for sale. However, we agreed to continue renting until it was sold. When a buyer shows up, they will purchase all our goods. But everyone who came to look at the store refused to take it with the inventory. Currently, we have products worth almost five million tenge here. In the fall, we found a great opportunity in AinaBulak, and we wanted to move there. But the owner convinced us to stay, saying she would compensate for everything,” Shaira Beldikbaeva shared.
Before the New Year, the owner announced that the store was no longer for sale. The family continued their operations, investing money in purchasing stock. They took out loans and now owe the banks six million tenge.
The Beldikbaeva family believes the owners attempted to deceive them to continue collecting rent and maintain the shop's appearance for potential buyers.
“But yesterday, the owner came and said the store was sold. We need to vacate within three days along with the inventory. This was a condition set by the new owner. By Monday, we must clear out the store. We requested an extension of two weeks, especially since we paid until February 14. At least one week. Although our agreements were only verbal, the owner has grossly violated them. Now we are being told to leave, with threats of police involvement,” the woman added.
Shaira Beldikbaeva was the first to call the police. The officers explained that they do not have the right to evict them but advised trying to negotiate to avoid court. Even a court cannot forcibly evict them without legal grounds.
The correspondent attempted to contact the store owner, but she refused to comment, stating only that she would handle her tenants herself.