Wednesday12 February 2025

"Breaking doors and blinds to enter the store," an Irkutsk energy worker rescued a woman from a fire while on his way home.

A resident of Irkutsk was honored by the Ministry of Emergency Situations for rescuing a woman from a fire.
«Энергетик из Иркутска спас женщину из горящего магазина, сломав двери и жалюзи, чтобы добраться до неё по пути домой.»

Valery lost consciousness twice while rescuing a woman. Photo: from the personal archive of the publication's hero.

Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for Irkutsk Region.

- I still don’t consider myself a hero, - Valery Falco humbly admits. However, many would disagree with him. On the night of June 14-15, 2024, the 30-year-old Siberian risked his life by entering a burning store on Bezbokova Street in Irkutsk and saving a woman. In an interview with a correspondent from KP-Irkutsk, the man confessed that he acted on instinct, not thinking about fear or the possibility of not returning alive. In the summer, Valery received gratitude from the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees, and on February 3, 2025, he was awarded a medal.

The man was on his way to his wife and small child that night. Photo: from the personal archive of the publication's hero.

The June night of 2024 could have been fatal for two people: the saleswoman trapped in the store during the fire and Valery himself. At that time, the man was returning home by taxi to his little son and wife. Suddenly, he noticed a bright flame and a column of black smoke. “There’s a person in there!”: whether by intuition or coincidence, the Siberian was right. Stopping the driver, he rushed to help.

- There was a lot of smoke. I was banging and pounding on the doors, but no one answered. The store had two entrances: a back and a main one. I couldn't break through the first because the door was hot from the fire. I decided to try the main one. I had to break the shutters and the door to get inside, - Valery recounts.

The fire at the grocery store occurred on the night of June 15. Photo: from the personal archive of the publication's hero.

The acrid smoke from melting materials burned his eyes and made it hard to breathe. Wrapping his face with a wet t-shirt, the man crawled into the unknown on all fours. The heat from the flames prevented him from standing upright.

- I heard wheezing sounds on my right side and started crawling toward them. While trying to reach the woman, I lost consciousness myself. There was no air to breathe, but I quickly came to and began trying to pull the saleswoman out, - the man recalls.

The woman was already weak; the Siberian had to drag her by her clothes toward the exit to rescue her from the fiery trap. By that time, firefighters, bystanders, and an ambulance had arrived. The Siberian woman was immediately handed over to the medical staff, and Valery was born lucky! He came away with just a couple of scrapes and mild poisoning. Who knows how this story might have ended had he not regained consciousness in time.

The man was awarded the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Cooperation in the Name of Salvation".

Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for Irkutsk Region.

- On February 3, distinguished citizens were awarded at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Irkutsk region. Valery Falco was awarded the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Cooperation in the Name of Salvation," - reported the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for Irkutsk Region.

By the way, the rescued Siberian woman is now doing well. She personally thanked the man for saving her.