Wednesday12 February 2025

What health issues are triggered by vaping?

The expert outlined the dangerous consequences of addiction to electronic cigarettes.
Какие болезни могут возникнуть из-за курения вейпов?

He listed other conditions commonly associated with users of electronic devices. Negative effects include discoloration and plaque on teeth, dryness and burns of the oral mucosa, as well as the development of ulcers, cavities, and tartar.

The expert also pointed out the presence of glycerin in vape liquids, which creates a sticky layer on teeth and encourages the adhesion of food residues, thus accelerating tartar formation.

“In turn, propylene glycol dries out the oral mucosa, increasing the risk of soft tissue diseases. Notably, even minor mechanical injuries to the mucosa in smokers can become infected, leading to the development of ulcers. Additionally, liquids and reconstituted tobacco are potential sources of carcinogens, which can cause not only oral cancer but also affect many other organs,” concluded the doctor.