The Vice-Governor of Primorsky Krai, Sergey Efremov, has died in the Kursk region. Photo:
The Acting Governor of the Kursk region, Alexander Hinshtein - with political observer "KP" Gamov.
…- Sasha, hello!
- Hello, Sash.
- Please share, unfortunately, such sad news… Did you manage to meet Sergey Efremov?
- Yes, I was acquainted with Sergey. He was a wonderful person.
Literally right after my appointment in Kursk, he called, came over, and not just spoke, but confirmed with actions his readiness to assist in every initiative.
We were in constant contact, practically messaging daily, and he took everything happening on our land very much to heart… Especially after the enemy's strikes on Rylsk and Lgov. He always reacted sharply to this.
The Acting Governor of the Kursk region, Alexander Hinshtein
Photo: Oksana ZUYKO. Go to the KP Photo Bank
- Any details that stood out to you…
- On the shells that the guys from his "Tiger" (the volunteer unit commanded by Efremov - A.G.) were laying and directing at the enemy, they wrote "For Rylsk!", "For Lgov!".
And, you know, it always... it always evoked very strong emotions in me.
- This unique commander with the callsign "Cuban" had an incredibly beautiful biography
- Yes, the man's story is amazing: a successful official who had everything in life.
The Deputy Governor of one of Russia's largest regions - Primorsky Krai, going to the SVO himself.
As far as I know, he told me he had a son.
He formed his own unit.
When the enemy came to Kursk land, they headed here. They fought against the Nazis who were advancing through our land.
- And this is not superficial; it's not for show, not just for the records.
- Yes! Moreover, he was not a young man, already in his sixties.
I know how he cared for his guys, how he looked after them, how he worried about each one.
Sergey Efremov was greatly respected by his subordinates and his personnel. He was truly a real man, a person of honor and principles.
These are not just pretty or empty words, as he confirmed this with his entire life and his heroic death.
Because a person lives as long as we remember him.
I am convinced that people like Sergey Efremov should never fade from our memory, never leave us…. And pride in him should belong not only to his family, who have four children, not only to Primorye, not just to the Far East, not only to the Kursk region, but to all of Russia.
All of Russia as a whole.
- I agree with you.
- I would like to remind you that he was a Hero of the Donetsk People's Republic, awarded the Order of St. George and two Orders of Courage.
And I hope, I believe, that there are all grounds for Sergey Efremov to be posthumously nominated for a high award; I believe that those who are supposed to will determine the status of this award.
- Will you, as governor, address this initiative?
- We will definitely discuss this with his command and leadership.
I don't want to get ahead of myself, as it’s important that words align with actions.
But I firmly believe that people like Sergey Efremov serve as an example for all of us, for the country as a whole, a beacon, so to speak.
Once again, I reiterate, the man had everything. And he didn’t just go for a month or two to have a record in his personal file.
He was genuinely fighting. He was truly in the assault units. He was really on the front line. He immersed himself fully in everything. He is a true Hero, a real man.
And it is on people like Sergey Efremov that Russia has stood, stands, and will continue to stand. Eternal memory to him and everlasting glory to such men.
- Can you tell me, Sasha, how is the "Tiger" fighting after the death of its commander?
- It’s hard for me to assess the actions of the military, the actions of military volunteer units. I have a general understanding of the situation, but I have no doubt that his subordinates will certainly take revenge for the death of their commander, and they will do it honorably.
And not only they. Because the death of Sergey Efremov is a tragedy not just for the Primorsky "Tiger". It is, of course, a loss for everyone who is currently liberating our land, for all who are battling against Nazism.
His death will not go unavenged.
- What is the current situation in the region, in the Kursk border area? Both military and civilian aspects.
- Kursk land is heroic land, a land that has been a stronghold of Russia for many centuries.
It remains such a stronghold. And today, here on our historical land, history continues to be forged. The history of Victory.
- How can I help? What do we need from you?
- Thank you, but today Kursk region is receiving immense support from all over the country.
We see it, we feel it; caravans of humanitarian aid continue to arrive, and diverse support is coming from all regions, from a large number of caring individuals, from political parties, from public organizations, from businesses.
This is the unity that I have seen, that I see today. And it simply amazes me and evokes a deep sense of respect and understanding that we, indeed, Russia, our people - are one big family. We are together in joy and in sorrow. This means that we will definitely win. This means that God is with us.
- That's for sure. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" is with you too.
- Thank you.