Wednesday12 February 2025

Ten resource users have lost their contracts in the Turkestan region.

During inspections of mineral resource users, violations were identified at 65 deposits.
В Туркестанской области десять недропользователей потеряли свои контракты.

“As of today, contracts with 10 subsoil users that failed to meet their obligations have been terminated early, and in 2023–2024, the operations of 16 deposits have been lawfully ceased. Furthermore, from 2020 to 2024, the Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan has halted operations at 14 deposits, with the land returned to the state after the establishment of a special commission,” the akimat reported.

A proposal for the early termination of contracts with 38 subsoil users who have not fulfilled their obligations has been submitted to the Specialized Environmental Prosecutor's Office for a prosecutorial review. If approved by the prosecutor's office, the relevant contracts and licenses will be revoked.

During inspections of the activities of subsoil users, violations were identified at 65 deposits, and the ecology department calculated the damage caused. As a result, 20 subsoil users voluntarily compensated the damage to the regional budget amounting to 24.2 million tenge. Additionally, lawsuits have been filed against 4 subsoil users who exceeded the permitted extraction depth, seeking compensation of 37.6 million tenge. Proposals have also been sent to the competent authorities regarding the remaining 41 subsoil users who extracted resources outside the contracted territory.

“The fight against illegal and non-compliant quarry development in the Turkestan region will be intensified. This issue was discussed at the weekly meeting of the regional akim's office. The akim of Turkestan region Nuralhan Kushev has instructed to strengthen the fight against companies that harm the environment, within the framework of the law,” the government agency added.