Anna Mironovna Kotlova was the first in the Sverdlovsk region to receive the medal "80 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945." Photo: Department of Information Policy of Sverdlovsk Region
The 98-year-old resident of Talitsa, Anna Kotlova, who miraculously escaped from fascist captivity during the war, was awarded the medal in honor of the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory. This award was established by Vladimir Putin in deep respect for the bravery, heroism, and selflessness of the generation of victors and builders.
Nearly eight thousand residents of the Sverdlovsk region will be honored with the jubilee medal. Among them are veterans and disabled individuals of the Great Patriotic War, workers of the home front, residents of besieged Leningrad, and former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps. The first in the region to receive the medal "80 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945" was 98-year-old Anna Mironovna Kotlova.
She was born on February 23, 1926, in the city of Kamianets-Podilskyi in the Khmelnytskyi region. When Anna was in the seventh grade, the occupiers took her to Germany. There, the girl worked at a factory producing gas masks.
Anna Mironovna (in the center) miraculously escaped from fascist captivity. Photo: Department of Information Policy of Sverdlovsk Region
Before the end of the war, the fascists rounded up all the teenagers and prisoners of war into a makeshift barrack and set it on fire. Anna miraculously managed to escape and flee. After the Victory, she married sniper Pyotr Kotlov. The couple moved to the Talitsky district.
The medal was presented to Anna Mironovna by the Minister of Economy and Territorial Development of Sverdlovsk Region, Ruslan Sadikov, and the head of the Talitsky municipal district, Mikhail Mikhailov.
- I have the honor to congratulate you on behalf of Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev, the government of Sverdlovsk Region, and all grateful descendants, and to present this medal. This is the most honorable mission for me, - said Ruslan Sadikov.
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