The correspondent from "Komsomolskaya Pravda" followed the dietary advice of a lama from a Buddhist temple for a month.
Photo: Regina RAKHIMOVA. Go to the Komsomolskaya Pravda Photo Bank
Driving to work, spending all day at the computer, and then watching series with snacks in the evening. The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle are unfortunate: I had to hide my favorite dresses deep in the closet because I can’t fit into them. I signed up for fitness, but to get my figure in shape, I also need to change my diet. I stumbled upon an article about dietary secrets based on Tibetan medicine. Don’t skip breakfast, avoid overeating at night, and don’t eat just for company… sounds like a challenge! I also secured the support of a traditional medicine doctor, gastroenterologist, dietitian, and candidate of medical sciences, Irina Berezhnaya.
Weight: 63 kg at a height of 160 cm. Goal - lose three kilos in a month.
Tests: all indicators are normal, except for a slightly elevated cholesterol level. I was advised to eat less fatty and fried foods.
Following a diet based on Tibetan medicine is a complex issue, as it is necessary to consider individual characteristics of people, - explains the abbot of the "Gandan She Duvlin" Buddhist temple in Buryatia, Oleg Namzhilov. Photo: personal archive of Oleg Namzhilov.
1. Determine your body constitution
- Following a diet according to Tibetan medicine is a complex matter, as it is essential to consider individual characteristics, - explains Oleg Namzhilov, the abbot of the "Gandan She Duvlin" Buddhist temple in Buryatia, also known as Yeshi Namzhil Lama to believers. - Perhaps the most important factor is the body type and character - Bile, Mucus, Wind, and their combinations.
“Wind”: hunched, thin, and pale. They enjoy songs, laughter, and long conversations. They prefer sweet, sour, and spicy foods. They may encounter issues due to weak digestion. They are advised not to indulge in "treats," and breakfast should be warm and liquid.
“Bile”: eccentric, with sharp minds. They strive for success and hold grudges for a long time. They have a great appetite and love sweet and spicy foods, leading to thirst. Their physique is average or normal. According to the main treatise of Tibetan medicine "Zhud-Shi," it is necessary to drink more cool water, eat more raw foods, and avoid fried and spicy dishes.
“Mucus”: round shapes, light skin, large physique. They have a good temperament and sound sleep. It’s beneficial to drink warm water in the morning. They should avoid heavy, fatty, greasy foods and sauces.
Of all three types, I relate most to Bile. The recommendations matched what my doctor advised during my tests, and they immediately started to help. It turns out that if during the day I drink plain water instead of tea or coffee, and at lunch I eat borscht and vegetable salad instead of my favorite spicy and fried Korean dishes, I feel a pleasant lightness in my body, and my mind works better.
- When selecting the right nutrition, it's best to consult doctors to account for all individual characteristics of the body. After all, foods that are beneficial for some can harm others. However, it is a fact that fatty and fried dishes are hard on digestion and can be detrimental to your figure.
2. Don’t eat after 6 PM
- Buddha ate twice a day: in the morning and at noon. But, as with all Buddhist practices, one should approach recommendations sensibly, without falling into extremes. For instance, establish a minimum gap of four hours between meals. First, don’t eat after 7 PM, and once accustomed, move it to 6 PM, - explains Yeshi Namzhil Lama. - Eating before sleep is strongly discouraged. Metabolism nearly shuts down: undigested food gets stored, and additionally, you wake up feeling tired and sluggish. If you must eat, at least do so two hours before bed.
I rarely manage to have breakfast, which often leads me to order extra dishes at lunch, and I have dinner late, returning from work around 9 PM. Now I'm shifting my schedule: I wake up half an hour earlier for breakfast at 8 AM, lunch at 1 PM, and dinner at the office at 6 PM. When I get home, if absolutely necessary, I eat a boiled egg or a piece of cheese.
- The gap between dinner and breakfast of 14 hours is a form of intermittent fasting. There is some logic to this. Food usually stays in the gastrointestinal tract for 8-11 hours, allowing it to be fully digested and absorbed. However, it’s essential to monitor how you feel to avoid discomfort. If you are very hungry at night, have a snack of a boiled egg or a piece of chicken breast. Protein is beneficial, while fats and carbohydrates are highly undesirable at night. Don’t limit your water intake. Additionally, what you eat throughout the day is also important. If you have a vegetable salad for dinner at 6 PM, you will surely be hungry by night. The ideal food combination: half a plate of fresh vegetables, one-quarter “complex” carbohydrates (grains, pasta), and another quarter - meat.
3. Cancel snacks for company
- Our habits are a product of imagination and upbringing. We convince ourselves that we love certain foods, that we are used to eating whenever we want - whether in the evening or at night. By mimicking others, we eat much more than our bodies need, - says Yeshi Namzhil Lama.
Try to resist when a cake is brought to the office for a birthday, or when a colleague's grandmother sends a bowl of potato pies. With willpower, I have to skip the feast and build up an appetite for lunch.
- Indeed, if you are used to carrying candies and cookies with colleagues all day, it’s time to give up that tradition. We typically don’t consider such snacks a full meal, we don’t limit ourselves, and as a result, we end up consuming far more calories than necessary. I would recommend eating fully four to five times a day, and avoiding snacks like sweets, snacks, and sandwiches. If you feel hungry, even though you just ate, drink some water - the hunger and thirst centers in the brain are located close to each other, and sometimes we confuse these feelings.
4. Don’t mix foods
- The fewer different ingredients that enter the stomach, the easier they are to digest. Avoid consuming incompatible foods at the same time. This especially applies to meat. For example, if you eat beef, you shouldn’t try another type for the next four hours. Additionally, it’s not recommended to mix eggs and fish, drink sour milk, or consume fruits, fish, and dairy products in one meal.
- To my knowledge, there is no scientific data connecting health status with separate nutrition. However, it is indeed important what products and combinations you are accustomed to in your region. Be cautious when trying unfamiliar cuisines, as it is unknown how your body will react to exotic foods.
5. Movement aids digestion
- A slow walk after eating is very beneficial for digestion, - says the lama.
I allocate half an hour from my lunch break for a walk near the office. I can immediately feel it if I overeat at the table - it’s hard to move, and there’s a sharp pain in my side. When lunch is moderate, it’s a pleasure to stretch. And when I return to my computer at 2 PM, I no longer feel sleepy as I used to.
- After a meal, blood flows to the stomach, so moving around a bit, taking a walk will be beneficial for improving all metabolic processes. However, intense physical activity and sports are only allowed two hours after eating.
After a month, I took my tests again. Cholesterol levels returned to normal. Instead of the planned 60 kg, the scale now shows 60.5 kg, but I feel that my body has become more toned. Another pleasant