Monday04 November 2024

Some drivers in Kazakhstan will be required to pay extra for their insurance.

The Agency for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market (ARDFM) has created a comprehensive package of amendments to insurance legislation. Among other things, these amendments propose stricter insurance rules for careless drivers, as reported by
Некоторым водителям в Казахстане придется доплачивать за страхование.

According to the proposal, reckless drivers will face "demotivation" for careless driving. They will be required to pay higher insurance premiums, while payouts for their claims will be reduced.

Speeding, driving into oncoming traffic, running a red light, creating hazardous situations, and operating a vehicle with defects are all violations that will result in a decrease in the driver's insurance class. If a driver accumulates three or more such violations, their insurance class will be lowered by one level from the default level.

The lowest insurance class, M2, will be assigned to drivers who:

  • operated a vehicle under the influence of alcohol (including multiple offenses);
  • caused an accident while intoxicated;
  • caused an accident resulting in death or disability.

If a driver with a previously higher insurance class causes a fatal accident due to their own fault, their insurance class will be immediately downgraded to M2.

In total, the legislation outlines 18 insurance classes. The lowest ones for repeat offenders of traffic rules are M2, M1, and M, followed by class zero, class A, and thirteen primary classes. The lower the class, the higher the insurance premiums will be. More details about the insurance conditions for each class can be found in the table.

Классы автострахования

To learn more about why property insurance, excluding vehicles, remains rare in Kazakhstan, read our detailed article.