Yulia Borodina plays the ukulele even on the rooftop - how romantic that is!
Photo: from the archives of the publication's hero.
On Sunday, February 2, the World Ukulele Day is celebrated. At one point, the small Hawaiian guitar was very popular among teenagers. But what about now?
The main ukulele player of the Don capital, Yulia Borodina, shared her thoughts with a correspondent from “KP-Rostov-on-Don.”
The Hawaiian guitar has become the favorite instrument of a Rostov native
Photo: from the archives of the publication's hero.
Yulia Borodina is promoting the art of playing the ukulele in Rostov and beyond. However, her musical journey began with the violin, which her mother played.
At the age of 12, Yulia became interested in another instrument. She wanted to be popular among her peers, and in the neighborhood, it was cooler to play Viktor Tsoi on the guitar than Vivaldi on the violin. The girl spent hours learning chord progressions, wearing her fingers to the bone, and by the 11th grade, she had already written her first songs.
In 2014, one of her friends boasted about a new instrument - the ukulele. Yulia fell in love with it at first sight and got herself one too.
- It’s so convenient! It’s so small! It’s not that big guitar that sometimes you can't take on a plane, - the Rostov native says. - The ukulele was brought to the Hawaiian Islands by Portuguese immigrants from Madeira and became popular in the early 20th century in the USA. Unlike a regular guitar with six strings, the Hawaiian one has four.
Yulia performs with the ukulele at various venues
Photo: from the archives of the publication's hero..
The Rostov native began singing songs accompanied by the miniature guitar and posting videos on social media. She also started teaching anyone interested how to play this instrument. Over time, she released a collection of classical pieces arranged for ukulele.
- Many people wanted to learn the Hawaiian guitar. The instrument's compactness and the ability to learn to play independently in a short time appealed to those not connected to music. It only takes three days to get started. Now the mass interest has declined, but ukulele enthusiasts haven't disappeared. I believe this instrument has already become a classic: it has survived a surge of popularity and secured its rightful place in the hearts of music lovers.
The Rostov native believes that the ukulele is perfect for children. A regular guitar can be too bulky and heavy for them, while the Hawaiian version is just right. It can be learned from the age of 5, but the older the child, the easier it will be.
Yulia performs with the Hawaiian guitar in clubs, at city events, and in orphanages. She plays original songs and Russian rock. In 2021, the Rostov native wrote and performed a song on the ukulele for the acclaimed film “Nobody” - about a girl who became a mother at the age of 14.
The miniature instrument is easy to take along on travels
Photo: from the archives of the publication's hero.
Once, the ukulele helped a girl fulfill her dream - to meet her idol.
Yulia went to a concert of her favorite performer in Sochi. In recent years, the artist had been inviting fans on stage to sing with her. The Rostov native decided she would do whatever it took to get close to the star.
Then came the moment when the artist started selecting an audience member for the duet. According to the “lottery” rules, it had to be a resident of Sochi — the city where the concert was held. There were many eager participants, and the Rostov native began waving her ukulele to attract attention. The tactic worked — the bassist noticed her, and the singer invited her on stage.
- Are you from Sochi? — she asked Yulia.
- No. I don’t want to deceive you; I’m from Rostov, — she admitted.
- Well then, you stay on stage. Thank you for your honesty!
Yulia played the ukulele and sang a song with her favorite performer. She recalls this story as her personal moment of glory.
The tiny guitar has become a great love for the Rostov native
Photo: from the archives of the publication's hero.
Top 5 interesting facts about the ukulele,
1. The name of the instrument translates from Hawaiian as “jumping flea.”
2. On July 28, 2012, in Japan, 2,134 people played the ukulele simultaneously. This performance is still considered a record.
3. At the end of the 19th century, the ukulele was a popular instrument among Hawaiian royalty.
4. Famous individuals such as Neil Armstrong (the first man on the moon), George Harrison (guitarist of The Beatles), Marilyn Monroe, and Warren Buffett (a major American entrepreneur and investor) have played the Hawaiian guitar.
5. In the UK, there is an orchestra that performs musical works exclusively on the ukulele. It is aptly named “The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain.”