Thursday13 March 2025

Over 67,000 families in Kazakhstan received financial assistance due to the loss of their breadwinner.

Payments from the State Social Insurance Fund are made until dependents reach the age of 18, or until they turn 23 if they are enrolled in full-time education.
В Казахстане более 67 тысяч семей получили финансовую помощь в связи с потерей кормильца.

“In 2024, over 102,000 individuals received payments due to loss of working capacity, totaling 46.6 billion tenge, which is a 20% increase compared to 2023. The average monthly amount of the assigned payment was 60,407 tenge,” the agency's statement says.

The ministry reminded that the social payment for loss of working capacity is granted to participants of the mandatory social insurance system in addition to the state social allowance for disability, which is funded by the budget. Payments from the State Social Insurance Fund (SSIF) are made during the period of total working capacity loss with a degree of 30% to 100%, as determined by a medical and social examination, and are not dependent on the continuation of employment.

It is also noted that the social payment for loss of a breadwinner is provided to individuals who were dependent on a participant of the system, in addition to the state social allowance for loss of a breadwinner funded by the budget. Payments from the SSIF continue until the dependents reach 18 years of age, or 23 years if they are studying full-time.

“During the reporting period, the specified payment was received by 67.9 thousand families who lost a breadwinner, totaling 33.8 billion tenge, which is a 26% increase compared to 2023. The average monthly amount of the assigned payment was 64,772 tenge,” the Ministry of Labor added.