With the opening of the longest automobile bridge across the Bukhtarma Reservoir, residents from six districts now have a faster route to Ust-Kamenogorsk.
The project aims to resolve a long-standing issue with transportation connectivity, as the bridge links six districts: Kurchum, Ulken Naryn, Markakol, Katon-Karagay, Tarbagatai, and Zaysan.
“In 2019, there was a historic decision made by the head of state. As a result, in 2020, the construction of the bridge over the Bukhtarma Reservoir began. Undoubtedly, the bridge holds strategic, social, transit, and tourism significance. From a social perspective, it is important to note that the six districts surrounding the bridge, which are home to over 120,000 citizens, now have the opportunity for round-the-clock access to the regional center,” said Marat Karabaev.
The minister also added that to ensure the safety of individuals on both sides of the bridge, 40 specialized icebreakers have been installed. Additionally, video cameras have been set up for continuous monitoring.
The structure can accommodate up to 80,000 vehicles per day, and 18 km of new roads have been constructed leading to the crossing.
Previously, the head of the government, Olzhas Bektenov, personally attended the bridge's opening.